3 Troubleshooting Tips For Your Seamer
To avoid contamination, it is imperative that the canning process is seamless, regardless of the materials that are being used. When your seamer is the source of issues you are experiencing, you can perform basic troubleshooting to potentially resolve the issue. Here are some potential problems you could face with your seamer and tips to solve them.
Low-Rated Wrinkling
The wrinkling rate of the cans indicate how tightly sealed they are. The lower the rating, the more likely it is that there will be leakage and contamination of the product in the can. If the wrinkling rate has dropped on the cans, there is one key component to check.
A low wrinkling rate could mean that the adjustments in the second operation are not correct. To verify this, start with checking the positioning of the seams. If they are too tight, they will need to be loosened. Even though tightened seams seem as if they would be preferable, they can actually have the opposite effect. Check your owner's manual to verify the correct adjustment for the seam.
Bubbles in Oil Stream
The oil in the can seamer lubricates the gear systems that are found throughout your seamer. When the oil has bubbles in it, the efficiency of the seamer is affected. There are a couple of reasons that the bubbles are appearing.
Start your check of the seamer at the plumbing connections. Ensure that they are tight and that there are no leaks in the lines leading to and from the seamer.
You can also check the oil reservoir to ensure it is at the recommended levels for the equipment. If not, you can add oil to reach the desired levels. You can take advantage of this moment to change out the oil completely to ensure that none of it has been contaminated.
Low Pressure
When the pressure is low, there is not enough pressure to guarantee the cans are safe from contamination and leakage. In some instances, the low pressure is the result of the motor not generating enough power. If that is the case, you will need to have it examined by a professional.
The low pressure could also result from air bubbles in the pump. You can resolve this issue by opening the air vents on the seamer. This will allow the excess air to escape so that the seamer can function properly again.
Your seamer dealer can provide additional troubleshooting help that will keep your equipment operating.